
Zapier - Combine a third-party service with Agendize

Zapier is a no-code online tool that connects Agendize to thousands of the most popular applications on the market so you can automate many of the repetitive tasks in your day-to-day life and focus on more value-added tasks.

Connect Agendize to thousands of applications with Zapier

Create your own workflows

Create a Zapier account and synchronize it with Agendize to allow you to create your own workflows, called "zaps. Define your triggers and actions to automate your workflow. Zapier automatically moves your information between applications to save you time every day.

Increase your productivity

Zapier allows you to automate time-consuming tasks such as sending emails, adding a note to a customer record, automatically creating a new appointment and many others so you can focus on your core business.

Connect your tools to Agendize effortlessly

Zapier is a "No code" application, meaning that no development is required to use the tool and to link your applications together. You don't need to hire independent developers to do this work.

Zapier for Resellers

Zapier saves teams a lot of time by automating account creation for new customers. Using a simple form, it is possible to collect the information needed to create an account. The Zapier system allows the information to be transferred and the account to be created automatically without the intervention of a team member.

Boost your productivity by integrating
your tools with Agendize

Native integrations, API workflows or third-party applications facilitate the transfer and synchronization of your data with the tools you use on a daily basis.

See all integrations

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